Illinois Department of Revenue is waiving penalties and interest that would have been imposed for late Sales Tax payments for businesses that are designated as eating and drinking establishments that incurred a Sales Tax liability of less than $75,000 in 2019. Currently, this applies to Sales Tax payments due in February, March or April 2020. The Department of Revenue will allow the payments for those months to be split into equal payments due May, June, July and August 2020. While this provides some relief now, the businesses will need to be able to make their May-August Sales Tax payments + the additional portions for the payments that were originally due in February-April concurrently starting in May.
The IRS has extended both the filing deadline and the payment due date from 4/15/20 to 7/15/20 for 2019 tax returns. This includes individuals, trusts and estates, and corporations. This extension also applies to estimated tax payments that would normally be due by April 15th.
There are currently discussions of a possible tax rebate for individuals and/or bail out offers for businesses. These are currently being negotiated and debated in Congress.
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